Wallstreet Cheatsheet 2.0 (A Bull Market Forecast)
Never before has a bull market been forecasted and tracked in realtime such as we have here with the Wallstreet Cheat sheet. I began this live trade/experiment in March of 2014. (View 5 Chart Gallery Above)
The goal: to show that a bull market could be forecasted accurately with nothing more than the price structure & public sentiments I observed around me in life & on twitter. I conducted this experiment under the presumption my base represented a meaningful sample of the populations’ sentiments.There can be no clearer illustration that the markets do no work as “advertised” at all. The media is not reporting timely information with all the millions & billions of dollars at their disposal to get you the information you need first, instead its the furthest thing from the truth.
I think of all media as advertising and you should too here is why:If I ran a car dealership and bought up a ton of inventory to open my business what am I gonna need next to sell off all these cars with a healthy mark up???? Well I am going to need some advertising right? And I am going to have to reach a large enough audience so that I can play the statistics to find enough like minded buyers or convince enough like minded to buyers to buy. So I’ll go out and purchase some air time to tell you all about how great my product is so your perception will move to a place you will agree to my prices. Now keep that example in your head…..When I see a TV commercial I can surmise this/that product is being marketed to a large unsophisticated emotional audience with little to no knowledge of the products true history and embedded mark ups…. sounds like any product we all see advertised on tv or the internet. Now treat an investment vehicle like a product and think about this.
What is so different about seeing a twitter announcement to buy any altcoin you know has already been accumulated, or a stock that a particular fund is coming on TV to tell you they like? We know information like a commodity is only valuable when it is scarce and has utility. Do you really believe that the most educated on Wallstreet and the media are unaware of this simple to understand fact? Think again the next time you see a recommendation on twitter or the TV. Learn to do your own due diligence and understand what you are trading or you will be made a victim on a regular basis. Great ideas are had by the very few.