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The Truth of BTC (Episode 1- Fractals)


What is a fractal?  Simply it is a self similar pattern repeating at all scales.  Don’t make it more complicated than that.  This logic can be applied to anything if you let go of some conditioning.

Keep in mind always they are not limited to a chart pattern.  Human behavior too is also fractal….and since it is a graph of human behavior you are dealing with in any market you might want to give fractals a 2nd thought behind all the jokes about it from your market leaders.  Their ignorance is to your detriment no kidding.

 The TRUTH is coming can you handle it?  Unlike most trilogies I don’t blow my load upfront….stick around.

I speak about fractals all year in markets to much criticism. It was actually this criticism of something I knew was not understood that opened up the real potentials of Bitcoin BTC and the crypto markets to me.  Can you imagine?  10’s of thousands of traders with $$$ being lead around in massive groups by flagrantly ignorant trade leaders who AS A GROUP ALL UNANIMOUSLY STOOD AGAINST AND IDEA LMAO!!!!  What happens when all of a group think alike in markets? Yup you get fucked!!!

I’m going to help all to understand why you do not follow people who criticize things they do not understand and do so relentlessly.  It is flat out dangerous and the opportunity cost will be greatest to you not them as they are already a lost cause.  They are already telling you they are ignorant you just have to receive the message.   The moment you see a person without substance says “squiggly lines” or spirals are stupid or thats not TA you should you should delete, run, and warn all others to flee in the opposite direction as fast as they can .  What they have is an opinion, it is a bias that will ultimately hide any further meaning from them and stop any further investigation to further your own education….and subsequently from all who think what they are doing is credible.  You will be misdirected from any further exploration thereby removing untold opportunities from your playing field forever.  These opportunity cost become immeasurable when compounded over time.  Without imagination most  will never realize what they missed….This can be life altering by the way.  Its on you if you make careless decisions and a decision to follow incompetence is such a decision.  The #ignorant fractal lol.  The “Director of the Crypto Economy,” (after like 30 days of asking me to help him understand economics because he had no idea….which he still doesn’t by the way) once said if you buy pizza with Bitcoin it destroy fiat #math….OMFG.  Literally, this will be the stupidest quote I will have ever been told by anything considered more advanced than an Armadillo….holy shit #fuckingstupid.  I’ll will get to real #Math in the following posts.

As fractals would show they will repeat this behavior not just with TA on twitter but in ever other aspect of life too.
In markets human behavioral fractal that occurs at all scales is what we care about the most.  Humans are predictable, repetitive, simplistic animals driven by just two basic emotions which we have all heard before FEAR & GREED.  They will act the same no matter the market.  Don’t believe me see a play by play lol—>





No I’m Not clinically insane….crazy like a fox sometimes:)  This was one of the coolest things I found in crypto but it pales in comparison to the my biggest finding soon to come in the TRUTH OF BTC trilogy.

I know this is a real nugget I knew it the second I found it and I did think I should hide this away….but the universe told me a secret funnier than these charts and I realized it did not matter….also if this is a gem or a nugget….I have a diamond and gold mine sitting behind me ???.

So how much money does ignorantly bashing someone and their techniques you have never seen put into your accounts and help you take care of your families???  Answer that inside your own heads;)

Those in my groups perceived value in the information I presented nothing more.  Not screen shots of my balance or me bragging about stupid shit in my personal life that has no meaning to you.  Instead they chose to evaluate objective information. They were the early adopters of crypto that took a shot at pursuing TA before it was understood or cool to stick #TA on anything beside a half naked female.  Exporting this logic fractal back to markets it would bet the same as those who perceived the value in Blackcoin (BC) before it was stupid obvious to all others. This allowed those investors to purchase it below 10k and sell the exact same BC back to those who did not between 60k-80k. WOW IGNORANCE IS REALLY EXPENSIVE!!!  Always remember price is not value. 

This one I will share with you all to help open your mind up to thinking outside the box and not so myopically about TA as if it has just one dimension the way the noobs of crypto dismiss with their ignorance.  Intelligent people are not dismissive of information they do not understand.  When you see that with your trade leaders you should unfollow….that behavior will go everywhere and will cost you greatly.  That would pretty much encompass 99.9% of crypto traders and most traders in many other markets.  To be fair crypto is young and so are its traders and they are being forced to mature at quite a rapid pace.

My technical analysis covers many disciplines known and unknown.  I have mixed many techniques once thought separate and have even invented some of my own. Do I think they are perfect. Absolutely not!  The moment you think you got it all the Universe will teach your ass how fucking much you don’t know.  Be humble quest for knowledge you have one chance to learn about all this majesty that exist around you.  Why spend your energies fighting it.  The fact is if you want to have an advantage in any game there is no way you can actually use what the next guy has.  It immediately loses value….cuz we all know that Value = Scarcity & Utility right?! Right!

So doesn’t this mean peeps are gonna steal my shit and make it worthless???  Well don’t you think I thought about this and already figured that out or not??? ? That’s my boy looking out for my silly ass.  I can show this 100 times and rule of the atom will dominate always.  The atom is made up of 99.9999% empty space.  Anything built out of such a building block will share its traits.  99.9999% of this society has nothing and so on that fractal goes in any closed system….only the few will really perceive the value of what I show.  I am in no great danger except from those who do not want people to think freely.  There is only 1 CEO there is only 1 President and there is only 1 pinnacle stone atop the pyramid….all others support the “1%” and so it will always be.  The universe is if nothing perfectly “balanced”.  You cannot fight this.  #fractals lol  — Just be respectful of others you never know what opportunities you might just miss.

Rule of the Atom:  The atom is made up 99.99999% empty space, if this is true then so too is everything that is built from such a building block.  “Kazonomics”

*Up Next we will lighten the mood and investigate Trollgate ?*

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